Thursday, December 26, 2013

Did someone say Sunshine?!

I would simply revel in the unexpected recognition but... I enjoy writing too much and admire too many others for the work they put in to their blogs to not say Thank You and share what they have taught me.

TonnstodinArt is currently a 'work in progress' as I have transitioned to elementary art.
Previously, this blog fulfilled my daily communication with students at the secondary level and allowed me to outline their curriculum and projects for the semester.
It was also a place for us to showcase their work.
Right now, I am working to outline my grade level projects and create a platform for the Howe ArtRoom to communicate & connect with others... hence the 'work in progress' and a bit disorganized, which will hopefully get a better look as we roll into 2nd semester.

In the Sunshine Award tradition:
1. Acknowledge the nominating blogger : (end of post)
2. 11 random facts shared about myself
3. List 11 bloggers that deserve the blogging good juju
4. Post 11 questions for the bloggers.

To address the 11 questions and add my 2cents:

1. Music I am listening to..
FUN. Jack Johnson. and then we can go to Katy Perry. Eminem.
It truly depends on where I am & what we are doing-

2. The Book~ Stephen Covey: The 3rd Alternative ~ synergy.  digital/paper
3. Apple/Microsoft:  Apple. but yet I have some attachments with Microsoft.. a lot of attachments.
4. If I could live in any other country than our own... I like ours too much to live elsewhere.  BUT vacation- we will!

5. When I am not thinking about school.... I am thinking about athletics & coaching, working out, then the classes I am taking, then maybe coffee, food, the possibility of getting a LIFE.
After that, I am realizing what meetings I missed and that is always a bit of a downer.

6. The one person in my life:  Ethan, is the absolute.  He is the one that keeps everything together, the glue.  He is so smart, and for some reason- puts up with my gifts of never hearing the dog at night, forgetting to put gas in the car, losing my (fill in the blank), and my need to be social and surrounded yet independent by making my own decisions- like to sell the motorcycle or keep it for just 1 more year.  I am a roller coaster and he keeps me on track.

7. If I could meet anyone... honestly.  It is the people that I get to connect with in my life right now that matter to me.  They are who I admire and who I can learn from.  It would be great to sit down with Ellen, (yeah, she is the greatest (famous) person, ever) but that would be a minimal amount of time with a LOT of laughing......  & I have a lot to learn from those around me, those that may see things as I do and those that do not.  Relationships make the ride so much sweeter & I cherish everything I learn from those around me!!

8. During the holidays.... I clean & do laundry!  Right now: load #6 & shampooed the carpet
I also get to spend time with my favorite people & their families : our group of friends is truly a little family.

9. My 2014 resolution... work hard, be strong, optimistic, and open to new opportunities.

10. If I wasn't an educator, I would... open a Crossfit Gym with a close friend & help/teach others to find the joy in fitness & the value in trying ANYthing Once or work in HR or think about photography & being more involved with the community... actually, when this issue is truly at stake I kind of have a melt down about not having a teaching job: I love what I do!

11. On Fridays, I like wearing... jeans.  Lets face it- elementary art is messy and sometimes you need to get to the little people's level so Friday is the day that doesn't make me feel bad about wearing jeans!

Blogs  (10) (i love and am inspired by...):

ANYthing Once - #aowr / depending on the day- it is our workout times and weights, but it also holds some great thoughts throughout the seasons, inspiration and reflection from the WR AM family : it isn't just what we do but what we have gained from each other that makes this a place for us.
TechToolsforTeaching - #tt4t
OneCrayolaShort - J.Youngman
theAppliciousTeacher - L.Langton
bitsotruth - a good phrase can go a long way
the art pound - S.Wegenast
Adventure of an Art Teacher - K.Morris
Becker Middle School 7th & 8th Grade Art Classes
Wonder Brooks - S.Dewitt Brooks
Mrs.Taylor's Artopolis - L.Taylor

Thanks Matt for the recommendation....

Mr. Renwick (@readingbyexample) and my current Administrator has, without even knowing I'm sure, taught me much since the beginning of this school year.  He is efficient and strives to empower those around him to be reflective and responsive in their practice... he is very good at seeing the strengths in himself and others yet to always keep in mind what we can improve in him/ourselves.
Something we all can do and acknowledge in each other.  Thanks Matt.
I feel lucky to have ended up at Howe and absolutely adore our staff and our students : Howe is a great school! 

11 questions:
1.  Favorite book or Books you would recommend.
2.  Best mentor/experience to date & what did they/it do that moved you.
3.  There are 7 days in a week: which one is 'your day'.
4.  What is #1 on your bucketlist : If you have no bucketlist; what is the absolute 'I need to do this at some point' kind of thing.
5.  What makes you smile?
6.  Snow or Sunshine?
7.  If you weren't doing what you are doing right now... what would you choose to do?
8.  Favorite Gadget that you CAN'T live without?
9.  Best app you can think of?
10.  Inland adventures or the Shores of the salt water?
11.  Absolute favorite person in your life - why? (if you can't choose, 2 will do)

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