Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thurs-Fri- DAYS


This is my ABSOLUTE favorite class of the day!!!!!!!!!!

We shall work.
And work we will!

Contact sheets due Friday.

Portraiture can entail any and all.... levitation. light. self. others. animals.
Find brushes.  We will talk about texture and combining of the brushes/texture/photos next week.

Are you able to start creating your own backgrounds with the brushes... Alft/Carlson will have some examples for us.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Work day:

Restoration Hand In:
You will print off the original that you scanned in.
You will also print off the restored & altered double image.
These will come in together.

You will put them separately into the N-drive folder with name.restored and name.altered.

Portrait Contact Sheets need to be in by Friday or they are considered late unless you chat with me on why they aren't done... and it is reasonable.

Work today!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Let's talk about the history brush and the magical world of blur....

AND... lets use a picture we can all enjoy!
Check the N-drive and open in PS.

Get the list done people.... contact sheet / restoration & alteration / portrait

Is there a way to utilize brushes in your project?!

Nice, right?

Monday, November 26, 2012

AND we're back!

It was long, wasn't it?
BUT, now that we're back... I would like us to get a big reminder on where we are at?!

1.  Digital Painting graded and handed back this week.
2.  Restoration image in blk/wht and an alteration image with color!
(we will go over alignment of images, right now.)
3.  Photos for Self-Portrait/Portrait - I want to see these.  Please print a contact sheet and fill out your rubric located on the back file cabinets.

And, now we will be introduced to the magical world of blurs and brushes!

best site: brusheezy

Monday, November 19, 2012

Monday... Make It Happen

Happy Thanksgiving Week....
Lots to be thankful for all of us... You ALL are definitely something I am thankful for..
You make my 7th hour of every day ROCK!!  And I love that!

We are going to look at some ways to alter the images by working with color and soft light layers.
Pretty simple... lots of fun!

1. Digital Paintings are being graded this week.. if you don't have it in to me.. it will be a 0.
2. Vintage/Retro WILL also be graded this week.
3. Outline what you need to shoot for Self-Portrait/Portrait
4. Check out camera/tripod

Are you working in any light photography or levitation: TRIPOD IS A MUST

I will be arriving after this weekend with my own photos for these also... pretty excited myself!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Fabulous Friday

TODAY is your day.
There is no reason for you to be lax on anything...

1. Finish what needs to be done.
2. Are there any exercises that you haven't gotten in the N-drive folder?  Vintage/Retro
3. Outline what you need to shoot for Self-Portrait/Portrait
4. Check out camera/tripod

Are you working in any light photography or levitation: TRIPOD IS A MUST.

Some photographers...
Lara Jade - she has become more commercial unfortunately.. her beginning stuff was awesome!

Portraits in general

Images to glance at..

My Portraits!
Definitely need A LOT of work!
 Don't forget about MOvember......
Support Men's Health Awareness this month at LHS!

Thursday, November 15, 2012


There are only two styles of portrait painting; the serious and the smirk. 
Charles Dickens

Self Portrait:   a representation of an artist, drawn, painted, photographed, or sculpted by the artist.

Portraiture:  the creation of any portrait, an artistic representation of a person

Some images done prior: Portraiture Power Point!
And who doesn't love power points!

Now... some that we can also begin to work with...

This is how it will be done!!

This is how it can look....

How can we make this better?!

Goals with this project:  
24 images to work with... multiple shots, variety in images... what can we work with, how do we want the composition to look?  what are we trying to define of ourselves or the person?
List what would make this GREAT!!
What do I need to have images of?
Where do I need to go?
What will it take to make this happen?

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Light Photography.

Read through this.
How To Shoot Light Trails.

Light Photography.

Where: Riverview seating area.... angled at river + bridge. Nepco Hill as cars are leaving/coming to WR.
Lights on people/bikes/boards.. moving by as your camera is positioned by a tripod.
You will need to work the setting of the camera; lengthening the shutter speed.
This is a lot of experimenting and working with trial/error.

If this is of  interest to you and you can product the material we will slot this in for a project grade!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tuesday. Restoration

We are working on scanning in your images.
These images will go into the N-drive and you will be able to select them out of there and SAVE them in your H-drive.

1.  First job is to begin restoration on images.
**Also finish whatever projects you may have not completed yet.

Once image is restored we will move into altering the color of the image, or for many, adding color.


Check this tut out!

Monday, November 12, 2012


Happy Monday to all...
A Veteran Reading.

Finish Critiquing and A movement into Restoration Work.

The restoration to begin with is found in the N-drive under the restoration/aleration folder.
This is an image for us all to begin on.
You are expected to be bring in photos to be scanned in ASAP.

1st step is to restore the image on it's black/white (or possibly colored) platform.
2nd step is to enhance the image and provide a fun color palette to the photograph.
This will consist of two images: original restored. altered color image.

Our next Project is in need of another Photo-Session.
It will pertain to a self-portrait.
This will be discussed Wednesday/Thursday.

All grades have been updated aside from the Digital Painting Project.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

And the winner is....

We have a 3-way tie!
Are You Kidding Me!

Texture. Color. Composition. Focal Point. 

Color Scheme. Definitive objects. Personal Attachment.

Fun.  Consistent.  Creative.  Complex yet Simple.

You all did great.  These were the top 3.  Kudos to you all.

Finalize the digital painting.  Save as JPG with name. Fill out Rubric- with paragraph. Staple n hand in.
Work to complete the exercises of Vintage/Retro.

Tomorrow we critique.
so.. we may have a treat also.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Preview & Comment


1.  Digital Painting. As you finish this painting project I would like you to fill out the eval, print, staple, and turn in.

2.  This Friday marks the 9 week mark... half way through the semester.  Congrats.
For a most of us we are definitely going somewhere... for some we are falling behind.  BE PROACTIVE AND WORK HARD to finish what needs to get done.... ALL of you are awesome, creative, crazy kats!

3.  DO THIS FIRST: REVIEW the jpgs in the N-drive under photomontage.  Please select an image that you like.  Once this is selected you will comment on the blog today with the name of the photomontage and why you appreciate it!  Be specific, what is it that makes you feel the way you do about it!!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday Magic

Lets talk about some restoration...
What is restoration?
Why do we do it?
Who do we do it for?

This is a great project that you will not only be restoring an older image/photograph, but then you are being asked to take it a step further.
The further will come as we move through the project..
BUT right now you need to find a photograph....
Who would have this for you?.....

She is so happy she was able to be restored!!
 or check this happy couple... done by a photo editor....

Friday, November 2, 2012


Check skyward.

Check your grades.

I am checking with you.