Monday, September 24, 2012

A bit more on the camera... and Jerry.


Tomorrow we will get to.... A/S/P/M and some of the personalized settings
Aside from the dial you may find these symbols together:
Macro- flower
Landscape- mountain
MF- manual focus

The macro mode will be used for close-ups.
These close-ups can be anything within 10cm.
Say we are taking pictures of a flower.
When you start to use macro mode you'll notice a few things. First it's harder to focus. Your camera may struggle especially when you've just taken a shot at infinity, because the focusing system has to work out that the really blurred object is actually what you want to shoot. This is worse when you've moved too close and the camera then couldn't focus on the subject even if it wanted to. So don't expect to see a bee and get an instant shot before it buzzes off. In such instances it's safer to focus up on another similar distance subject such as your hand close up or nearby flower then at least you'll have the camera prepared.
Also the amount of focus is reduced, so when you look at a flower the front petals may be in focus, but the back won't be. This is known as depth-of-field. The more of the subject that's in focus, the greater the depth-of-field. Depth-of-field is controlled by the camera's aperture. Most digital cameras are fully automatic and you cannot change this. If your camera has an aperture-priority mode (look at the dial above.. does yours have this?) you can switch to that and select a smaller aperture, and on many cameras you'll notice the LCD view change so that the subject appears sharper from front to back.


Welcome to the wonderful world of Jerry Uelsmann.
Worksheet found in N-drive.
Get It Done.
Will be done online and can be saved in the Uelsmann Folder in the N-drive.

Uelsmann Inspiration
Tired of Talking

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