Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Mutants & File Types

Photoshop is an image processing program.
It is also considered a pixel management system.
Meaning: it is going to give each pixel an assignment... If you zoom in really close you will see the individual pixels.  Photoshop tells the pixels what to do and controls the pixels.

It is also a file management organizing system.
We are able to save the works you produce in Photoshop as various file types that correlate with what you are planning on doing with the production.

Save As:
-file name / -format

4 main formats:
1.  Photoshop  (PSD/PDD)
This is a native format to adobe photoshop.. while you are working in class you will be saving under this format.
2.  Jpeg
DON'T save as a jpeg while working.
Jpegs are compressed files.. meaning it will have information thrown out overtime.  This continuation of the file will lead to a production that no longer holds its clarity and value.
You will use a jpeg file format when wanting to have easy and quick uploads... emailing/facebook.
Use only when completed and Saved As: to have a copy.
3.  Photoshop PDF (portable document file)
This is the format to use to send your productions to staples, photobucket, walgreens... online printing sites.
These companies can open the file but they will not be able to alter or change the picture & this format is not compressed.
This format is a bigger file but it gives you the best printing!
4.  TIFF  (tag image file format)
This is also a portable, uncompressed format that allows you to get all the data.
They are good for transferring a picture done on an older photoshop program or if using photoshop elements.
This format also works well with pagemaker & printshops for brochures.

There are so many others... but for our specific use: This is enough for you. ;)

Lets talk more tools and Mutants.

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