Friday, January 3, 2014

January goodies for 1st and 2nd

1st graders - Polar Animals, Weaving & Clay
We will kick this season off with Penguins.
Penguin Bloopers / National Geographic Emperor Penguins / Penguin Launch
Our first project will be a paper weaving project.
Student will learn about cool colors and create paint papers to be used in their penguin paper weaving.
Their Penguins will be created on large white paper and they will be using black tempera to paint in their penguin.

Second project will be a clay project.  Clay penguins with textured circles.
This is going to be a project that will be able to hang.  Students will learn not only handbuilding techniques with the penguins but also about textures applied to the circles.  Hole will help string the all together.

2nd grade - The end of Van Gogh's Starry Night & the finishing of their fish or turtle bowls that were created earlier this semester.

January greatness for 3rd and 4th grade

3rd grade - Aboriginal Artwork.
Thanks for the intro from GBartroom
First - we will learn about positive and negative space.
Positive space - the space occupied by the 'main' subjects (color, shapes, lines, objects)
Negative space - that space with an 'absense' of occupancy.  that area around the 'positive space'
You will be creating a symmetrical creature to focus on positive and negative space.
2. Next - Australia and the Aboriginals
-books - aboriginal designs & aboriginal artwork 
We will discuss their use of pattern and dotwork on solid sections of color.  We are also going to address Aboriginal Hand Stencils.  These two Aboriginal works will be combined in their Aboriginal artwork composition!
BIG inspiration from Mrs. VandenBush over in GB!

To use ( toothbrushes for the white surrounding the hand - white dots separating the sections / use of warm & cool colors, repetition, and solid sections w/ kraft paper)

4th ~ tesselation introducation to M.C. Escher. (an interview with him & him working)

Video 1. 
How to make an Esseresche Tesselation.... equilateral triangle.
The Lizard for fun..
1. We will start with a square and begin with a piece that will fit together fairly simply.
This will be done a few times by learning how to slide and rotate.
2. We will be creating a final tagboard tile from one of our completed pieces!  Let the Geometry begin!
This will be our final piece to create our tessalation.
(NOTE: we need to remember where the corner is located when we rotate the sides.)
3. The lizard will be a fun, final.... lets hope we get that far!!