Monday, March 31, 2014


Sunflowers Mixed Media Collage....
Paint, Marker, Paper, Collage Paper....

Completed Amate Bark Paintings & Sunflowers

We have design our Laurel Birch inspired cats (or lions) and will be printing them.
Then we will be applying them to our Primary Color Patterned Paint papers.
Cutting some detail into the edges and finishing it off with some FUN!
Weaving + Stitching + Metal Symmetrical Mask w/ Lines + Shapes
Our burlap was woven with a pattern of paper strips, trimming the edges and then applying it to paper to have a running stitch on the edges of the burlap.  NEXT we work on the mask!  Metal Tooling is so exciting.  The possibilities!

Radial Design Weaving with Complimentary colors
We are using a kind of diffusing paper to create a radial design project.  Two sized papers will be designed and then a pair of compliments will be chosen to use.  Sharpie is outlining the design which creates a type of barrier for the paint to stop spreading... I am using liquid watercolor with them that I have watered down.
They are to think about color, positive & negative space and the way they are choosing what gets filled in and what doesn't - One color per paper.
My practice design used primary colors but we are WAY beyond that in 3rd grade!

Amate Bark Painting Continues on and we will be writing about our work.  Students have had to chose an animal, reptile, bird, bug... the list goes on.  They will not complete their project by incorporating a paragraph about that main object- they will use the write tools concept we have been working on this year in our school.
Topic.   3-4 BIG IDEAS.   Conclusion.
My example for the Panda Bear:

         The giant panda lives in the mountainous regions of central China that are full of bamboo forests.  Bamboo is the main course for pandas to dine on.  They spend almost half of their day, 12 hours, eating bamboo.  It takes 28 pounds of bamboo to meet a panda's daily intake of food.  These mountainous, bamboo regions are very cool and wet.  It is a perfect climate for the panda to live and eat.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

More ART!

Jim Dine & his Hearts series
- clay coil project for second grade

Amate Bark Painting
- one main focus piece surrounded with flora, fauna, or a border.
focus piece- animal, amphibian, insect, bird, fish, etc
Laurel Birch Inspired Cat Prints
- printing with black using styrofoam plates and creating a colorful patterned background using a primary base with secondary shapes and lines.

Radial Balance 
- students will create two works on dye paper.  using permanent markers to block areas, liquid water colors will be used to fill in the sections. 1- primary 1- secondary or Complimentary colors or Monochromatic schemes.
an example of radial symmetry

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Youth Art Month & the KIDzART Show @ McMillan Library..

.. is HERE & UP!!!

This is my first year in elementary in a while boys & girls... and thanks to all your creativity we have had a successful year.  Something I have learned along the way- dive in, see how it goes, and learn along the way.. Boy, have you youngsters taught me so much this year!

Here are some photos for a little bit of a sneak peak:
Lots of beautiful work.  We are definitely surrounded by some magnificent art teachers and artists-in-training!!

Come and celebrate with us on March 13th at our Art Reception from 4:30 - 6:30