Friday, December 21, 2012

Happy Christmas

Hope your snow-day yesterday was all you imagined it to be:
MEANING: you did not spend the entire day playing video games... you totally DID dominate the cookie stash

I read something today that I thought would be helpful to share with you:
You name it...There is always just one day...
Life is a string of ONE DAYS...this is what makes up your life!
Live each day, not as if it was your last, but live each day to the fullest!
It starts with YOU! How is your attitude? When you get up in the morning do you take the time to start right...get ready for the day? The things you say to yourself everyday are the way you present yourself to the world!

Don't let "negative" bring you down!  Everyday, there are going to be situations (people, surroundings, environment, etc.) that you cannot control that can get you down.  Avoid these as much as possible, and when you cannot...keep as positive an attitude as will be allowed.  Get back to positive as soon as you can get away/out of the predicament.  

Surround yourself with people that make you better. Know who you can go to to get a positive they know they are the people that make you better? Maybe you should tell them...

Who you decide to surround yourself with is always a choice... Choose To Be Better.

Merry Christmas to My Favorite Class!

Todo today:
Check skyward: what are you missing? are you missing anything?
Get in your Excersize #3: Threshold.. this can be saved in the N-drive.
Portrait finals can be handed: save in N-drive. print with rubric and hand in to me.
Composition Creations: rubric in N-drive... series of images... work on a series of 3

Stop Motion.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


What's Threshold?

An example of use would be a reduction of an image while altering the color scheme and overall feel of the beginning piece.

1. copy bkgrd
2. image-adjustments-threshold
3. magic wand- select white/select similar/delete
4. select inverse
5. begin color scheme: what are you looking for with color in the image?
6. paintbrush/color/ ctrl D= deselect
7. repeat

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tuesday-Wednesday Work

Finalizing Portrait/Levitation/Series images...
do you have more than one image?
how have you used those multiple images to define the person/yourself?
what more can you do to manipulate the images with brushes/textures?
have you worked around a theme: color/texture/composition?

The rubric is in the N-drive.  Please save the image as a jpg in the N-drive and print both the image/rubric, staple and hand in when done.

Composition Creations...
this should definitely work in a series...
minimum of 3 canvases working as a series piece created of only textures/brushes with the use of color/composition/variety/repetition... MAKE IT AWESEME.

Rubric will be in the N-drive and we will follow the same kind of routine.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Friday Fun

Critiquing of a LOT of things...

AND then.. some fun competitions from a minute to win it theme.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I want to tell you something...

Not kidding.
I love coming to Digital every day!!  You are my absolute favorite 50 minutes of each day!

Now... with that being said.
We need to do some critiquing on a few things.... so Friday.
What would we like as an afternoon snack?
Apples/Oranges/Bananas????  Needs to be happy and healthy.. w/ maybe a capri sun?

After this discussion we will work:

1. portraiture and the value you can find by making it look awesome.. do you need more than one canvas to convey to the viewer what you want them to see?  (this isn't about just making it look nice.. make it be more)

2. canvas creations w/ brushes and textures....  it can be anything.  gory and gruesome/ happy and jolly/ sick/ posterized/ abstract/ real/

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Creating Composition on Canvas

Alliteration... pretty much my favorite combination when looking for titles.
The continuation of the starting consanant sound!  Fun Stuff...

We have some great examples started... how about we talk about these and the way they were created.
Again, you all have a lot of great things to resource but this is mainly created with brushes and textures.

Think Composition & Color... that is what we are highlighting today!

Monday, December 10, 2012


Lets look at our finalists!!!

1st place.... Mr. Alft

2nd Place... Mr. Wolter

Tied for 3rd Place!
Mr. Carlson
Ms. Price 

Now... how about we look at where we are all at with our portrait project!
Tomorrow may be the day for a new 'to do'!

Friday, December 7, 2012


So great to see all of your hard at work....

Last day of the week.  You are working.  You have questions- you need to ask and I am expecting all to be working.

FIRST THOUGH:  please go through the digital painting folder and VOTE for your top 2!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Monday. Or Tuesday.

Missing Digital Painting Rubrics... Check Skyward.
Restoration/Altered Images + Contact Sheets will be going in this week.

**Your restoration images are AWESOME!!**

Building Backgrounds.
Composition.  Depth.  Layering of images.  Small/Medium/Large.
Color consistency.  What do you want it to look like as you continue layering?

Images and the multitude that you can take them.

 Was this....

How can you continue to advance and step up the photos?

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thurs-Fri- DAYS


This is my ABSOLUTE favorite class of the day!!!!!!!!!!

We shall work.
And work we will!

Contact sheets due Friday.

Portraiture can entail any and all.... levitation. light. self. others. animals.
Find brushes.  We will talk about texture and combining of the brushes/texture/photos next week.

Are you able to start creating your own backgrounds with the brushes... Alft/Carlson will have some examples for us.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Work day:

Restoration Hand In:
You will print off the original that you scanned in.
You will also print off the restored & altered double image.
These will come in together.

You will put them separately into the N-drive folder with name.restored and name.altered.

Portrait Contact Sheets need to be in by Friday or they are considered late unless you chat with me on why they aren't done... and it is reasonable.

Work today!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Let's talk about the history brush and the magical world of blur....

AND... lets use a picture we can all enjoy!
Check the N-drive and open in PS.

Get the list done people.... contact sheet / restoration & alteration / portrait

Is there a way to utilize brushes in your project?!

Nice, right?

Monday, November 26, 2012

AND we're back!

It was long, wasn't it?
BUT, now that we're back... I would like us to get a big reminder on where we are at?!

1.  Digital Painting graded and handed back this week.
2.  Restoration image in blk/wht and an alteration image with color!
(we will go over alignment of images, right now.)
3.  Photos for Self-Portrait/Portrait - I want to see these.  Please print a contact sheet and fill out your rubric located on the back file cabinets.

And, now we will be introduced to the magical world of blurs and brushes!

best site: brusheezy

Monday, November 19, 2012

Monday... Make It Happen

Happy Thanksgiving Week....
Lots to be thankful for all of us... You ALL are definitely something I am thankful for..
You make my 7th hour of every day ROCK!!  And I love that!

We are going to look at some ways to alter the images by working with color and soft light layers.
Pretty simple... lots of fun!

1. Digital Paintings are being graded this week.. if you don't have it in to me.. it will be a 0.
2. Vintage/Retro WILL also be graded this week.
3. Outline what you need to shoot for Self-Portrait/Portrait
4. Check out camera/tripod

Are you working in any light photography or levitation: TRIPOD IS A MUST

I will be arriving after this weekend with my own photos for these also... pretty excited myself!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Fabulous Friday

TODAY is your day.
There is no reason for you to be lax on anything...

1. Finish what needs to be done.
2. Are there any exercises that you haven't gotten in the N-drive folder?  Vintage/Retro
3. Outline what you need to shoot for Self-Portrait/Portrait
4. Check out camera/tripod

Are you working in any light photography or levitation: TRIPOD IS A MUST.

Some photographers...
Lara Jade - she has become more commercial unfortunately.. her beginning stuff was awesome!

Portraits in general

Images to glance at..

My Portraits!
Definitely need A LOT of work!
 Don't forget about MOvember......
Support Men's Health Awareness this month at LHS!

Thursday, November 15, 2012


There are only two styles of portrait painting; the serious and the smirk. 
Charles Dickens

Self Portrait:   a representation of an artist, drawn, painted, photographed, or sculpted by the artist.

Portraiture:  the creation of any portrait, an artistic representation of a person

Some images done prior: Portraiture Power Point!
And who doesn't love power points!

Now... some that we can also begin to work with...

This is how it will be done!!

This is how it can look....

How can we make this better?!

Goals with this project:  
24 images to work with... multiple shots, variety in images... what can we work with, how do we want the composition to look?  what are we trying to define of ourselves or the person?
List what would make this GREAT!!
What do I need to have images of?
Where do I need to go?
What will it take to make this happen?

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Light Photography.

Read through this.
How To Shoot Light Trails.

Light Photography.

Where: Riverview seating area.... angled at river + bridge. Nepco Hill as cars are leaving/coming to WR.
Lights on people/bikes/boards.. moving by as your camera is positioned by a tripod.
You will need to work the setting of the camera; lengthening the shutter speed.
This is a lot of experimenting and working with trial/error.

If this is of  interest to you and you can product the material we will slot this in for a project grade!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tuesday. Restoration

We are working on scanning in your images.
These images will go into the N-drive and you will be able to select them out of there and SAVE them in your H-drive.

1.  First job is to begin restoration on images.
**Also finish whatever projects you may have not completed yet.

Once image is restored we will move into altering the color of the image, or for many, adding color.


Check this tut out!

Monday, November 12, 2012


Happy Monday to all...
A Veteran Reading.

Finish Critiquing and A movement into Restoration Work.

The restoration to begin with is found in the N-drive under the restoration/aleration folder.
This is an image for us all to begin on.
You are expected to be bring in photos to be scanned in ASAP.

1st step is to restore the image on it's black/white (or possibly colored) platform.
2nd step is to enhance the image and provide a fun color palette to the photograph.
This will consist of two images: original restored. altered color image.

Our next Project is in need of another Photo-Session.
It will pertain to a self-portrait.
This will be discussed Wednesday/Thursday.

All grades have been updated aside from the Digital Painting Project.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

And the winner is....

We have a 3-way tie!
Are You Kidding Me!

Texture. Color. Composition. Focal Point. 

Color Scheme. Definitive objects. Personal Attachment.

Fun.  Consistent.  Creative.  Complex yet Simple.

You all did great.  These were the top 3.  Kudos to you all.

Finalize the digital painting.  Save as JPG with name. Fill out Rubric- with paragraph. Staple n hand in.
Work to complete the exercises of Vintage/Retro.

Tomorrow we critique.
so.. we may have a treat also.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Preview & Comment


1.  Digital Painting. As you finish this painting project I would like you to fill out the eval, print, staple, and turn in.

2.  This Friday marks the 9 week mark... half way through the semester.  Congrats.
For a most of us we are definitely going somewhere... for some we are falling behind.  BE PROACTIVE AND WORK HARD to finish what needs to get done.... ALL of you are awesome, creative, crazy kats!

3.  DO THIS FIRST: REVIEW the jpgs in the N-drive under photomontage.  Please select an image that you like.  Once this is selected you will comment on the blog today with the name of the photomontage and why you appreciate it!  Be specific, what is it that makes you feel the way you do about it!!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday Magic

Lets talk about some restoration...
What is restoration?
Why do we do it?
Who do we do it for?

This is a great project that you will not only be restoring an older image/photograph, but then you are being asked to take it a step further.
The further will come as we move through the project..
BUT right now you need to find a photograph....
Who would have this for you?.....

She is so happy she was able to be restored!!
 or check this happy couple... done by a photo editor....

Friday, November 2, 2012


Check skyward.

Check your grades.

I am checking with you.


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Monday, October 29, 2012

Where's Macy!

That's right, this is Friday's comment:
HIIIII EVERYBODY!!! missin you all so much!! hope everything is going well!! 

xoxo, Macy:)

Line Up!

1.  All  photomontage work is handed in.
3.  Exercise work.


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wednesday! aka its friday

Today we work.

1. Photomontage/Rubric done and saved in N-drive with name and, also, printed!

2. Make sure diplacement/exercise #1 is in the N-drive with your name.

3. Begin Digital Painting.... chose to use a photocopy filter &/or warming/cooling photo-filter or opt to use a transparent layer.  Either way all work needs to be done on a separate layer: not on the background/filter layer.... BE AWARE of your layer window.

Need help: LET ME KNOW.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


We are going to look at a few different ways to start with a painting composition.

Sketch Filters from our filter gallery assist in outlining the objects in our photograph.
Fill/Adjustment Layers also help in finding a photo filter/fill layer to assist in giving our paintings an undertone.
- warm/cool/etc
Burn/Dodge on paint to highlight/darken without changing color (utilizing tints/shades)

Alrighty... SO lets get everything in line and we can begin.

1.  Photomontage/Rubri in N-drive label with name and also printed to 131, stapled, handed in
2.  Hartman's Creek/Outdoor Photos have been uploaded (bout 50is)
3.  Photograph chosen to work with on Digital Painting.
4.  Exercises on back burner for free time.

Lets Paint.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday of a SHORT week.

Alright everyone.... moving into the digital painting.

Today we talk about...

Painting.  Color.... Influence of the impressionists.

Color... Lets talk color.

Impressionists were rebels at their time.... And we will also rebel.


Mary Cassatt

Edgar Degas

Pierre Renoir

Claude Monet

You will still have work to finish on your PhotoMontage.  Exercise tutorials.

Friday, October 19, 2012

It's Friday

WE ARE CRITIQUING... and some other randoms if possible... but mostly critiquing.

Lovin Fridays...

Wednesday, October 17, 2012



Photomontage due Friday.
N-drive has your Uuelsmann Rubric in it.
Save as JPG into N-drive with name.

Print photomontage (fit to size) and Rubric to 131... make it be in color.
Staple and hand in to me.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tutorial #2

We begin our second tutorial today.
Just like the last you will be working from the Digital Imaging Tutorials page on the blog.
You will be working on a vintage effect and a retro effect.
Both tutorials have a lot to offer.
The catch to these is that you need to provide the photo you will be using.
After Hartman's Creek yesterday and what you have previously taken there should be some to work with.
If there isn't than you need to get on the boat... cuz it may be sailing away without you.

We will check printer today also....
Photomontage/Uuelsmann Rubric will be able to be printed and stapled together.
Use complete sentences and reflect on your work.

Friday is a continuing of our critiques.

Photomontages due Thurs/Friday.

LMK if you need something..
Those unable to make the field trip have until Monday to get that done.
Good Luck.

Monday, October 15, 2012


Critique ReCap and Hartmans Creek Information...


Lets talk about Photos... Especially Digital Photography.

-50+ images
-Contradicting Imagery
-Play off of themes and focus point.
-Macro Mode

Meet in 135 for First hour... we will head from there.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Big Hug to Macy.

I am sorry I missed this day.
You are a wonderful young lady and we wish you the absolute best.

Critique day with Ms. Rice.
Give her some entertainment and talk about the wackiness shining on the big screen!

Happy 'Friday' ALL!

Austin... the cake looks amazing.
Special girl she is.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wednesday WORK

Welcome to Wednesday:

You are working.
I am helping.
If you have gotten in what you were missing to me... there is an asterisk where there use to be a 0.
If you haven't gotten in what you were missing, there is a 0.

Netiquette Reminder for all.

Happy Work Day with good ole country music n chocolates 4 all.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Tuesday. Work.

Another work day.
Use these to the fullest and remember if you need images that you are able to get during this hour you can also do that if I feel it is appropriate and you are using time wisely.
I will be connecting with some of you about grades and missing assignments, so please check skyward.

Thursday is Critique day!

Love Critique Day.

**Remember this is PINK week in support of our Red Raider Football Team's awesome fundraiser to support the UW Cancer Center in Wisconsin Rapids!!!
$2 wristbands from the football players!!!  THINK PINK!

Monday. Work.

Its time.
We need time and it needs to be used wisely.
There has been a lot we have been seeing/doing/trying... and what you have this week is time to work on your Photo-Montage and you have me to help you at and whenever you need it!

I am working tonight on grades.  They will be getting in and available for you to see what you are missing.
Can work still get it... Yes.
If.....  and I mean IF. you hand in work to me that looks like my dog, OZ could have done a better job than what you are asking me to correct for you... I will be one upset cookie.

That is our pact.
I don't want to waste your time and I don't want you to waste my time.
I respect each of you and your creative, good juju.
Please acknowledge that of me also.

HAPPY MONDAY.... digitographers.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Hi. Happy Thursday

Lets talk about awesome-ness.
What do you find inspiring?

The compliments that come from finding the perfect fit.
The way pieces fit together to produce some kind of peace within the viewing.
It can be beyond chaotic but within the constructed chaos we need to be able to find our attachment...
A place.

Like this photo.
Can we relate?  What do we feel, see, find within this image?
Like this video.
What makes these pieces work?

Find inspiration within your images... if they don't inspire you then take more that DO.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Recap, Refresh, and Review

Lets remind ourselves about yesterday.

Shadows are important.  Creating an interesting composition is vital!
Search for differences.  Work to find images that relate and compliment each other.

Hartman's Creek Field trip will be reviewed also today.
$7 for bus.  Bring lunch/grill out.
October 16, 2012
It is a must and your next shooting assignment.....

Ex1 due this friday... Save as a Tiff and in the N-drive folder.

Begin photomontaging.... (possibly not a word since the red squiggles are under it for me, but I believe it is a word)
Now this is fun... Seat Holders for the OMGosh moments in life!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Creating a Composition

Lets work on some photoshop maneuvering.
If you don't have pictures to use.....
1.  You are late.... don't drop the ball!
2.  I have some for you to borrow in the N-drive.

Hold on to your SEATS!

Contact sheets due today.
Due Friday: Ex 1. Displacement Layers

Anyone interested in creating a video this fall for LHS:  comment below.
I am wanting to get this going after the volleyball season is over... it will be awesome.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Moving into Photo-montage Project

Contact sheets need to be printed and edited with the rubric stapled to them by Tomorrow.
Any sheets received after will be considered late.
I have updated in skyward with a few grades.
Mutants will be graded this week but if I was missing anything in the N-drive from you such as: the write up document or the PSD saved mutant that was recorded in skyward.....

We are going to begin working with a variety of way to create a composition and work with layers that we have in our photo-montage to give us depth, variety, and interest.

Today we work on flipping/mirroring and opacity reminders.

Get on the BUS with your photos.... they are what makes everyday in here worthwhile!

Due this week:
Contact Sheets: Tuesday
Exercise 1: Displacement: Friday

**if you did not take the camera quiz please make that up TODAY.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Feelin Fridays....

Thought of the week:

Check this out!!!

1. quiz
2. everything needs to be in
- uelsmann emailed
- mutant/story in n-drive
3. contact sheets & rubric stapled.


Thursday, September 27, 2012


Love this day!
Everyone looks awesome!

Today..... we are going to focus on images getting printed as contact sheets... we are going to run through this today and tomorrow to get that down.

Uelsmann should be emailed to me.

Mutante and Story are in the N-drive.

Lab fees need to be paid by Tomorrow.

Contact sheets will be due tomorrow unless you have chatted with me....

Sunday is the big GRADING DAY.. so make sure you are communicating with me on where you are at or the goose eggs will begin appearing! ;)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Promote the Positive.

$5 lab fee needs to be in by Friday or you will be having to pay Ms Stanton in the office.

Breakdown of today, Thursday, Friday:
Wed: Work time.
Thurs: Contact Sheet Printing Steps.  Uelsmann Due.  Mutants saved as PSD/Backstory both in N-drive.
Friday: Camera Quiz. Contact Sheets Printed and Rubric outline.

That's our week folks.

Here is to a Happy Homecoming Week!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Camera Modes... And Photomontage examples

M: manual mode - being smarter than the camera and realizing that at times when our auto settings aren't working the way we would like them to that we are able to stop and manually control our camera....
          If my lens is struggling to find contrast in a shot, or focuses on the wrong thing, then it goes straight to manual. Most digital SLRs will even give you a audible or visual cue when you’re manually focused correctly. I try to avoid focusing on my subject center frame, and often try to manually keep my focus while re-framing in accordance with the rule of thirds. Trusting my auto focus has ruined more shots than I can count. Learn to trust your eyes.

A: aperture priority - or seen as Av: Aperture Value
       Start by looking at the available light and get an idea of what aperture range to look at. Lots of light means a broader range of choice. Second, think about the shot itself and what depth of field to want. If you want lots of detail at all depths, then I’ll drop it down as low as f22. If I want a soft background, with a refined range of focus, then I’ll open it up to f2.8 or larger. Sometimes you don’t have a lot of choice, so the wider (lower number) the better. That’s why lenses with apertures like a fixed f2.8 are so expensive – because they’ll benefit you in low light. It’s also important to consider your subject – fast moving subjects will require lower apertures, so you can achieve faster shutter speeds

S: shutter priority - or seen as Tv: Time Value
The length of the exposure has huge bearing on the outcome of a shot. I start by looking at my subject and whether or not I want them sharp or blurred. Some subjects like city traffic benefit from long exposures, while others suffer. I try to stay at 1/60 of a second or faster when I’m shooting handheld, and use a tripod for slower exposures. Stillness varies from person to person, and image stabilizers will help. Fast subjects require fast shutter speeds.

These definitions and more explanation can be found here.

The variety of our camera modes can vary...
Lets check this site out!..... CAMERA MODES

Expectations: These will be a known for all of us in class.
Friday will be a BIG day for you.... HINT HINT HINT!!!
I am wanting you to know some of the main modes that we may be utilizing:
Macro... why you would use it.
Manual... why you would use it.
Shutter/Aperture... what they exactly are.
White Balance
Optical Zoom vs Digital Zoom
ISO... film speed

Resource the blog and the links available for you to study.
This is a big of you going out and getting the information for yourselves... as much as I want to inform you on everything, you need to be able to read some material on your own so we can continue chuggin on in class...

Photo-montage examples

Monday, September 24, 2012

A bit more on the camera... and Jerry.


Tomorrow we will get to.... A/S/P/M and some of the personalized settings
Aside from the dial you may find these symbols together:
Macro- flower
Landscape- mountain
MF- manual focus

The macro mode will be used for close-ups.
These close-ups can be anything within 10cm.
Say we are taking pictures of a flower.
When you start to use macro mode you'll notice a few things. First it's harder to focus. Your camera may struggle especially when you've just taken a shot at infinity, because the focusing system has to work out that the really blurred object is actually what you want to shoot. This is worse when you've moved too close and the camera then couldn't focus on the subject even if it wanted to. So don't expect to see a bee and get an instant shot before it buzzes off. In such instances it's safer to focus up on another similar distance subject such as your hand close up or nearby flower then at least you'll have the camera prepared.
Also the amount of focus is reduced, so when you look at a flower the front petals may be in focus, but the back won't be. This is known as depth-of-field. The more of the subject that's in focus, the greater the depth-of-field. Depth-of-field is controlled by the camera's aperture. Most digital cameras are fully automatic and you cannot change this. If your camera has an aperture-priority mode (look at the dial above.. does yours have this?) you can switch to that and select a smaller aperture, and on many cameras you'll notice the LCD view change so that the subject appears sharper from front to back.


Welcome to the wonderful world of Jerry Uelsmann.
Worksheet found in N-drive.
Get It Done.
Will be done online and can be saved in the Uelsmann Folder in the N-drive.

Uelsmann Inspiration
Tired of Talking

Friday, September 21, 2012

THE digital camera

The Ins and Outs of the Digital Camera...
A general introduction.
A knowledge based deep enough for you to utilize what is necessary in order to take quality pictures that will be manipulated/distorted/dominated in PS.

Happy Friday!!!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

SHOOTING assignment!

Dear Anonymous Commenter,
I know who you are.
Sincerely, Tonn

What you are shooting.... TAKE NOTES on your sheet.
Pretty well laid out for you and we will be adding/eliminating a few.
This is what you will be graded on... did you follow through with all the images?  you need variety... and variety we will get!

P.S.  I LOVE YOUR MUTANTS!!!  You All Rock!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


For your first tutorial there are some images in the tutorial helper folder in the N-drive.
These images will correlate with the TEXTURE APPLICATION tut #2.
We also call this displacement.
This tutorial can also be found on your digital imaging tutorial tab... there are others... I give you options.

We are going to be introducing your new shooting assignment tomorrow...
We are also going to be going over digital cameras and giving you some information that you may not know about them! :) YES!
Be prepared to listen and ask questions.... also be a bit patient.
These pictures will be used on your next project.  All the images used for your next assignment will be taken by YOU!.

Cameras need to be brought in on FRIDAY!!!
Hartman's Creek Field trip:  October 16th
Lab Fee.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Work Day and lets get our email set up...

Work day.

Story for Mutante.

We are going to get ourselves set up today.
Tomorrow starts tutorial intros and be ready for our first photo shoot assignment!!!  This will begin this week so you have the weekend to work!

Those of you that have had me know... WE always need a bit of hot kool aid!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Burn Dodge & some Creative Writing

Lets talk a little bit about our burn and dodge tools:
Burn~ darkening edges and shadowing
Dodge~ lightening areas and highlighting

Creative Writing:
A bit yes, is this normal and will this happen on a consistent basis, no.
You are going to be writing a short story about your mutant.
Story should include an introduction, body, and conclusion paragraph.
Be dramatic, simple, or totally off the wall.


Friday, September 14, 2012

Happy Friday!

Work on...
Gathering a background for our Mutant.
Working on Composition.
Backstory of image.

In case you missed it... Here is to growing things in the garden of our minds!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

COMPOSITION. the placement or arrangement of visual elements or ingredients in a work of art

Lets analyze a few examples.



Rule of Thirds.


Forced Perspective...

Now. Lets make some Magic... happen.