Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Week 12

Image result for woohoo

Snow Day


Review of last week----
This gives us time to work on 2 mini-exercises.  Think 1min-ish each (or mayber it's longer or it's shorter but you've done what you were hoping to accomplish).
I want you to think about it like this:
You aren't going to be given this amount of time to focus on something you specifically can challenge yourself with... so what will you choose to spend your time doing?

There were a list of ideas from Week 11 that you could choose from but maybe you have something else in mind.

Exercise Videos Format
Those of you who have exercises complete, please export those to the N-drive - Exercises.
Please include your production logo, title or titles by the effect footage, and end credits.
End Credits should include: Music/Video Credit & Tutorials Used.

No Games until you have everything in or you have a plan and have outlined it to me.
(I will freeze you out ... I have this super power to do so)

Last minute projects are unacceptable when you are given class time and have had plenty of opportunities to be creative with what you need.
If you need people.. we have people in class.  Use the 'Art of Asking' and make it happen!


Continue with exercises and completing evaluations for stop motion/music video/movie trailer
Today and Tomorrow for this week of working.


Check in day.  Let's see where we are at...

Image result for see where we are at

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