Friday, September 28, 2012

Feelin Fridays....

Thought of the week:

Check this out!!!

1. quiz
2. everything needs to be in
- uelsmann emailed
- mutant/story in n-drive
3. contact sheets & rubric stapled.


Thursday, September 27, 2012


Love this day!
Everyone looks awesome!

Today..... we are going to focus on images getting printed as contact sheets... we are going to run through this today and tomorrow to get that down.

Uelsmann should be emailed to me.

Mutante and Story are in the N-drive.

Lab fees need to be paid by Tomorrow.

Contact sheets will be due tomorrow unless you have chatted with me....

Sunday is the big GRADING DAY.. so make sure you are communicating with me on where you are at or the goose eggs will begin appearing! ;)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Promote the Positive.

$5 lab fee needs to be in by Friday or you will be having to pay Ms Stanton in the office.

Breakdown of today, Thursday, Friday:
Wed: Work time.
Thurs: Contact Sheet Printing Steps.  Uelsmann Due.  Mutants saved as PSD/Backstory both in N-drive.
Friday: Camera Quiz. Contact Sheets Printed and Rubric outline.

That's our week folks.

Here is to a Happy Homecoming Week!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Camera Modes... And Photomontage examples

M: manual mode - being smarter than the camera and realizing that at times when our auto settings aren't working the way we would like them to that we are able to stop and manually control our camera....
          If my lens is struggling to find contrast in a shot, or focuses on the wrong thing, then it goes straight to manual. Most digital SLRs will even give you a audible or visual cue when you’re manually focused correctly. I try to avoid focusing on my subject center frame, and often try to manually keep my focus while re-framing in accordance with the rule of thirds. Trusting my auto focus has ruined more shots than I can count. Learn to trust your eyes.

A: aperture priority - or seen as Av: Aperture Value
       Start by looking at the available light and get an idea of what aperture range to look at. Lots of light means a broader range of choice. Second, think about the shot itself and what depth of field to want. If you want lots of detail at all depths, then I’ll drop it down as low as f22. If I want a soft background, with a refined range of focus, then I’ll open it up to f2.8 or larger. Sometimes you don’t have a lot of choice, so the wider (lower number) the better. That’s why lenses with apertures like a fixed f2.8 are so expensive – because they’ll benefit you in low light. It’s also important to consider your subject – fast moving subjects will require lower apertures, so you can achieve faster shutter speeds

S: shutter priority - or seen as Tv: Time Value
The length of the exposure has huge bearing on the outcome of a shot. I start by looking at my subject and whether or not I want them sharp or blurred. Some subjects like city traffic benefit from long exposures, while others suffer. I try to stay at 1/60 of a second or faster when I’m shooting handheld, and use a tripod for slower exposures. Stillness varies from person to person, and image stabilizers will help. Fast subjects require fast shutter speeds.

These definitions and more explanation can be found here.

The variety of our camera modes can vary...
Lets check this site out!..... CAMERA MODES

Expectations: These will be a known for all of us in class.
Friday will be a BIG day for you.... HINT HINT HINT!!!
I am wanting you to know some of the main modes that we may be utilizing:
Macro... why you would use it.
Manual... why you would use it.
Shutter/Aperture... what they exactly are.
White Balance
Optical Zoom vs Digital Zoom
ISO... film speed

Resource the blog and the links available for you to study.
This is a big of you going out and getting the information for yourselves... as much as I want to inform you on everything, you need to be able to read some material on your own so we can continue chuggin on in class...

Photo-montage examples

Monday, September 24, 2012

A bit more on the camera... and Jerry.


Tomorrow we will get to.... A/S/P/M and some of the personalized settings
Aside from the dial you may find these symbols together:
Macro- flower
Landscape- mountain
MF- manual focus

The macro mode will be used for close-ups.
These close-ups can be anything within 10cm.
Say we are taking pictures of a flower.
When you start to use macro mode you'll notice a few things. First it's harder to focus. Your camera may struggle especially when you've just taken a shot at infinity, because the focusing system has to work out that the really blurred object is actually what you want to shoot. This is worse when you've moved too close and the camera then couldn't focus on the subject even if it wanted to. So don't expect to see a bee and get an instant shot before it buzzes off. In such instances it's safer to focus up on another similar distance subject such as your hand close up or nearby flower then at least you'll have the camera prepared.
Also the amount of focus is reduced, so when you look at a flower the front petals may be in focus, but the back won't be. This is known as depth-of-field. The more of the subject that's in focus, the greater the depth-of-field. Depth-of-field is controlled by the camera's aperture. Most digital cameras are fully automatic and you cannot change this. If your camera has an aperture-priority mode (look at the dial above.. does yours have this?) you can switch to that and select a smaller aperture, and on many cameras you'll notice the LCD view change so that the subject appears sharper from front to back.


Welcome to the wonderful world of Jerry Uelsmann.
Worksheet found in N-drive.
Get It Done.
Will be done online and can be saved in the Uelsmann Folder in the N-drive.

Uelsmann Inspiration
Tired of Talking

Friday, September 21, 2012

THE digital camera

The Ins and Outs of the Digital Camera...
A general introduction.
A knowledge based deep enough for you to utilize what is necessary in order to take quality pictures that will be manipulated/distorted/dominated in PS.

Happy Friday!!!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

SHOOTING assignment!

Dear Anonymous Commenter,
I know who you are.
Sincerely, Tonn

What you are shooting.... TAKE NOTES on your sheet.
Pretty well laid out for you and we will be adding/eliminating a few.
This is what you will be graded on... did you follow through with all the images?  you need variety... and variety we will get!

P.S.  I LOVE YOUR MUTANTS!!!  You All Rock!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


For your first tutorial there are some images in the tutorial helper folder in the N-drive.
These images will correlate with the TEXTURE APPLICATION tut #2.
We also call this displacement.
This tutorial can also be found on your digital imaging tutorial tab... there are others... I give you options.

We are going to be introducing your new shooting assignment tomorrow...
We are also going to be going over digital cameras and giving you some information that you may not know about them! :) YES!
Be prepared to listen and ask questions.... also be a bit patient.
These pictures will be used on your next project.  All the images used for your next assignment will be taken by YOU!.

Cameras need to be brought in on FRIDAY!!!
Hartman's Creek Field trip:  October 16th
Lab Fee.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Work Day and lets get our email set up...

Work day.

Story for Mutante.

We are going to get ourselves set up today.
Tomorrow starts tutorial intros and be ready for our first photo shoot assignment!!!  This will begin this week so you have the weekend to work!

Those of you that have had me know... WE always need a bit of hot kool aid!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Burn Dodge & some Creative Writing

Lets talk a little bit about our burn and dodge tools:
Burn~ darkening edges and shadowing
Dodge~ lightening areas and highlighting

Creative Writing:
A bit yes, is this normal and will this happen on a consistent basis, no.
You are going to be writing a short story about your mutant.
Story should include an introduction, body, and conclusion paragraph.
Be dramatic, simple, or totally off the wall.


Friday, September 14, 2012

Happy Friday!

Work on...
Gathering a background for our Mutant.
Working on Composition.
Backstory of image.

In case you missed it... Here is to growing things in the garden of our minds!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

COMPOSITION. the placement or arrangement of visual elements or ingredients in a work of art

Lets analyze a few examples.



Rule of Thirds.


Forced Perspective...

Now. Lets make some Magic... happen.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

a few more tools.... and some work time.

Today is a day to look into a few other tools for the moment...
AND to them JUST have the HouR to WORK!!

Take advantage of this time.  I am here to help.. SO LET ME KNOW!

Tomorrow we talk about composition and background.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Mutants & File Types

Photoshop is an image processing program.
It is also considered a pixel management system.
Meaning: it is going to give each pixel an assignment... If you zoom in really close you will see the individual pixels.  Photoshop tells the pixels what to do and controls the pixels.

It is also a file management organizing system.
We are able to save the works you produce in Photoshop as various file types that correlate with what you are planning on doing with the production.

Save As:
-file name / -format

4 main formats:
1.  Photoshop  (PSD/PDD)
This is a native format to adobe photoshop.. while you are working in class you will be saving under this format.
2.  Jpeg
DON'T save as a jpeg while working.
Jpegs are compressed files.. meaning it will have information thrown out overtime.  This continuation of the file will lead to a production that no longer holds its clarity and value.
You will use a jpeg file format when wanting to have easy and quick uploads... emailing/facebook.
Use only when completed and Saved As: to have a copy.
3.  Photoshop PDF (portable document file)
This is the format to use to send your productions to staples, photobucket, walgreens... online printing sites.
These companies can open the file but they will not be able to alter or change the picture & this format is not compressed.
This format is a bigger file but it gives you the best printing!
4.  TIFF  (tag image file format)
This is also a portable, uncompressed format that allows you to get all the data.
They are good for transferring a picture done on an older photoshop program or if using photoshop elements.
This format also works well with pagemaker & printshops for brochures.

There are so many others... but for our specific use: This is enough for you. ;)

Lets talk more tools and Mutants.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Tools... and some movin.

This is you with all your tools....

These help you make what we do in Photoshop happen!!!
Yes, this is A LoT!
It is also your job to know them!!!
Are we going to hit them all today or tomorrow... 
NO, but we will use quite a few this semester and you need to know them!!!

More work with moving pieces and combining images..... 
And a few adjustments.

Friday, September 7, 2012


If you feel as if I am throwing some of you out to the wolves...
I am.
Unfortunately... I like to mix it up.  I can't handle lecturing you about things that won't make sense in the beginning, so lets build your background knowledge and start getting acquainted with PHOTOSHOP!

Logging in.
H-drive set up.
N-drive set up.
and maneuvering through it all..

Starting and SAVING.
SUPER important.

Tools: the beginning.
Selection Tools.  Feathering adjustments.  Move tool.
These help you build your layers and your Mutant.

In case you were wondering:
Mutant defined as 1. An individual, organism, or new genetic character arising or resulting from mutation

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Picture Day!

We are going to jump on and work on the PS interface with a couple of easy and simple tools to get you going.... you will be able to explore filters and some manipulating: liquify.

Pictures need to get takes for our Mutant Project.

We will also review a bit of copyright info.

PHOTOSHOP is awesome... but remember, like everything, the more you work with the program the BETTER you become.
I am showing you introduction tools today to start you on your journey.... but your motivation is what will make your journey AWESOME!!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Copyright/Fair Use FUN!

We are learning about copyright and fair use... and ways to work with it but also the realization of how to simply avoid it in our work.

is theft of another person's writings or ideas

Stealing is wrong.

A video....  because it makes the point.

It deals with video a bit more and uploading online... but we associate it with digital work since that is WHAT WE DO.

A reading because I want to know you understand it by filling out this worksheet... that I will be giving you.

I will also have a fun hoot for some of you that will make you end on a smile....  this may be a rerun for few of you from last year, but you will still smile!

Eyebrows.  I love these two.

Monday, September 3, 2012


Happy First Day of the 2012/13 season....  

Today is a get it all together and give you some information, me some information, a bit of fun if time, a tour, and a move into what to expect this week.

Picture Day:  Thursday.

Sign in.  Maneuvering to Blog.
a BIG week ahead of copyright/netiquette and a move into the awesome would of ADOBE photoshop.