Friday, December 21, 2012

Happy Christmas

Hope your snow-day yesterday was all you imagined it to be:
MEANING: you did not spend the entire day playing video games... you totally DID dominate the cookie stash

I read something today that I thought would be helpful to share with you:
You name it...There is always just one day...
Life is a string of ONE DAYS...this is what makes up your life!
Live each day, not as if it was your last, but live each day to the fullest!
It starts with YOU! How is your attitude? When you get up in the morning do you take the time to start right...get ready for the day? The things you say to yourself everyday are the way you present yourself to the world!

Don't let "negative" bring you down!  Everyday, there are going to be situations (people, surroundings, environment, etc.) that you cannot control that can get you down.  Avoid these as much as possible, and when you cannot...keep as positive an attitude as will be allowed.  Get back to positive as soon as you can get away/out of the predicament.  

Surround yourself with people that make you better. Know who you can go to to get a positive they know they are the people that make you better? Maybe you should tell them...

Who you decide to surround yourself with is always a choice... Choose To Be Better.

Merry Christmas to My Favorite Class!

Todo today:
Check skyward: what are you missing? are you missing anything?
Get in your Excersize #3: Threshold.. this can be saved in the N-drive.
Portrait finals can be handed: save in N-drive. print with rubric and hand in to me.
Composition Creations: rubric in N-drive... series of images... work on a series of 3

Stop Motion.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


What's Threshold?

An example of use would be a reduction of an image while altering the color scheme and overall feel of the beginning piece.

1. copy bkgrd
2. image-adjustments-threshold
3. magic wand- select white/select similar/delete
4. select inverse
5. begin color scheme: what are you looking for with color in the image?
6. paintbrush/color/ ctrl D= deselect
7. repeat

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tuesday-Wednesday Work

Finalizing Portrait/Levitation/Series images...
do you have more than one image?
how have you used those multiple images to define the person/yourself?
what more can you do to manipulate the images with brushes/textures?
have you worked around a theme: color/texture/composition?

The rubric is in the N-drive.  Please save the image as a jpg in the N-drive and print both the image/rubric, staple and hand in when done.

Composition Creations...
this should definitely work in a series...
minimum of 3 canvases working as a series piece created of only textures/brushes with the use of color/composition/variety/repetition... MAKE IT AWESEME.

Rubric will be in the N-drive and we will follow the same kind of routine.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Friday Fun

Critiquing of a LOT of things...

AND then.. some fun competitions from a minute to win it theme.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I want to tell you something...

Not kidding.
I love coming to Digital every day!!  You are my absolute favorite 50 minutes of each day!

Now... with that being said.
We need to do some critiquing on a few things.... so Friday.
What would we like as an afternoon snack?
Apples/Oranges/Bananas????  Needs to be happy and healthy.. w/ maybe a capri sun?

After this discussion we will work:

1. portraiture and the value you can find by making it look awesome.. do you need more than one canvas to convey to the viewer what you want them to see?  (this isn't about just making it look nice.. make it be more)

2. canvas creations w/ brushes and textures....  it can be anything.  gory and gruesome/ happy and jolly/ sick/ posterized/ abstract/ real/

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Creating Composition on Canvas

Alliteration... pretty much my favorite combination when looking for titles.
The continuation of the starting consanant sound!  Fun Stuff...

We have some great examples started... how about we talk about these and the way they were created.
Again, you all have a lot of great things to resource but this is mainly created with brushes and textures.

Think Composition & Color... that is what we are highlighting today!

Monday, December 10, 2012


Lets look at our finalists!!!

1st place.... Mr. Alft

2nd Place... Mr. Wolter

Tied for 3rd Place!
Mr. Carlson
Ms. Price 

Now... how about we look at where we are all at with our portrait project!
Tomorrow may be the day for a new 'to do'!

Friday, December 7, 2012


So great to see all of your hard at work....

Last day of the week.  You are working.  You have questions- you need to ask and I am expecting all to be working.

FIRST THOUGH:  please go through the digital painting folder and VOTE for your top 2!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Monday. Or Tuesday.

Missing Digital Painting Rubrics... Check Skyward.
Restoration/Altered Images + Contact Sheets will be going in this week.

**Your restoration images are AWESOME!!**

Building Backgrounds.
Composition.  Depth.  Layering of images.  Small/Medium/Large.
Color consistency.  What do you want it to look like as you continue layering?

Images and the multitude that you can take them.

 Was this....

How can you continue to advance and step up the photos?