Monday, January 26, 2015

Plaster Hand Sculpture

So we begin.... Today and Tomorrow we work like crazy to get everyone's hands done.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Welcome to Art: First Impressions

WHAT does that mean - The Variety Pack of 2D and 3D work.

2D - Shoe Drawing / Compositional Insect Drawing + Pop Art Inspired Painting Project
        Sharpie Artist: Boey Inspired Cup Drawings + Mandala Batik Fiber Art
        (possible Reduction Printmaking Project)
3D - Plaster Hands + CLaY = Pinch Post Monsters + Relief Textured Tile Creations

FIRST - Group Dynamics and Expectations.

Class Rules:
1.  Project Options + Project Expectations.
2.  Phones - lets be real... and honest, always honest.
3.  Respect for Self.
4.  Respect for Others.
5.  You make the decision, each and every day.

Time for comments + questions - speak now.... or forever hold your peace.

The Room.  This isn't your room or my room, this is The Room.... What does that mean?!

Organization + Responsibility.

Lets talk about what we do, why we do it, and what we need to do for each other.
Whether you like it or not.... this is all about choices!
What you do, is what you become.....

Tomorrow we begin.
Plaster hands.... we are just going to jump into sculpture.  Like the polar plunge kind of jump in.
PLUS we have everything we need all ready for us to begin!!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

End of Semester.

End of semester- you know what that means!

Take it all home!  If your work was chosen for the April Art Show - you will be picking this work up in May!

It has been wonderful - on to the next half of our year!!!