Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Camera Modes... And Photomontage examples

M: manual mode - being smarter than the camera and realizing that at times when our auto settings aren't working the way we would like them to that we are able to stop and manually control our camera....
          If my lens is struggling to find contrast in a shot, or focuses on the wrong thing, then it goes straight to manual. Most digital SLRs will even give you a audible or visual cue when you’re manually focused correctly. I try to avoid focusing on my subject center frame, and often try to manually keep my focus while re-framing in accordance with the rule of thirds. Trusting my auto focus has ruined more shots than I can count. Learn to trust your eyes.

A: aperture priority - or seen as Av: Aperture Value
       Start by looking at the available light and get an idea of what aperture range to look at. Lots of light means a broader range of choice. Second, think about the shot itself and what depth of field to want. If you want lots of detail at all depths, then I’ll drop it down as low as f22. If I want a soft background, with a refined range of focus, then I’ll open it up to f2.8 or larger. Sometimes you don’t have a lot of choice, so the wider (lower number) the better. That’s why lenses with apertures like a fixed f2.8 are so expensive – because they’ll benefit you in low light. It’s also important to consider your subject – fast moving subjects will require lower apertures, so you can achieve faster shutter speeds

S: shutter priority - or seen as Tv: Time Value
The length of the exposure has huge bearing on the outcome of a shot. I start by looking at my subject and whether or not I want them sharp or blurred. Some subjects like city traffic benefit from long exposures, while others suffer. I try to stay at 1/60 of a second or faster when I’m shooting handheld, and use a tripod for slower exposures. Stillness varies from person to person, and image stabilizers will help. Fast subjects require fast shutter speeds.

These definitions and more explanation can be found here.

The variety of our camera modes can vary...
Lets check this site out!..... CAMERA MODES

Expectations: These will be a known for all of us in class.
Friday will be a BIG day for you.... HINT HINT HINT!!!
I am wanting you to know some of the main modes that we may be utilizing:
Macro... why you would use it.
Manual... why you would use it.
Shutter/Aperture... what they exactly are.
White Balance
Optical Zoom vs Digital Zoom
ISO... film speed

Resource the blog and the links available for you to study.
This is a big of you going out and getting the information for yourselves... as much as I want to inform you on everything, you need to be able to read some material on your own so we can continue chuggin on in class...

Photo-montage examples

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